The Issues of Human Development

These are some of the issues or questions that have been debated throughout the history of developmental history.

1.) Is development due to genetics or environment?

-These two are a great factors of our development and neither of them should be neglected. Genetics is something that is being passed generations to generations and environment is something that we get through the environment where we are.

2.) Does development occur slowly or do changes happen in stages?

- This issue is about that how fast or slow our development as a person occur and they are debating if does it occur slowly or the changes happen in stages?

3.) Do early childhood experiences have the greatest impact on development or are later events equally important?

-This issue is about what of the two have the greatest impact on a persons development, is it the childhood experiences or the later events.

Nature vs Nurture 

- These debate is about what is an important, nature or nurture? Nature is about the genetics of a person and all of the factor that person inherited while nurture is about the things you get wherever environment you are when you are born. It also explains here the word Tabula Rasa which means a belief that mind is a blank slate at birth. 

Early Experience vs Later Experience

-This issue is about what affects your development the most, is it early or later experience?. Early experience is about the experience that you have when you are in your childhood and later experience is the experiences that you gathered when you are in your adolescence or in your adulthood.

Continuity vs Discontinuity

-These issue is about our development as individual, does it occur slow and steady, or does it occur through a series of  a series of of predetermined steps.

"My overall learnings in my Module"

-What I have learned about Human Development is the fact that every person has different development rate and process because of the fact that we are individuals with different genetics and environments.
