What is Adolescence? 

Adolescence is the period where our children begin to have dramatic physical change marked by their physical growth, sexual maturation or also know as puberty. This is the period where they start to think of new possibilities and consider the concepts such as love, fear and freedom. People who are in this period has a sense of invincibility where it puts them in greater risk of dying from accidents or contacting sexual transmitted infections that may cause them lifelong consequences. 

Here are some of the changes that they experience at this stage:

1. Growth of ovaries

2. Growth of pubic hair

3. Development of breast

4. Growth of facial hair

5. Testis growth of pubic hair

Why is important that we know these stage called Adolescent Development?

When we have our own children and they reach their adolescent stage, this is the time where our children may experience traumatic situation like for example is that their concern is about their appearance and they are being bullied in school because of that. It is important to guide and support our children in these stage in order for them to discover their own identity as an individual. Knowing the development and challenges they will experience in this stage will give us an advantage on how to approach them and guide them in order for them to be the best version of themselves. 
