In their development as a child, these stage is the part where their environment will grow. Where they meet new people and they become more independent by making their own decisions. Here in this blog, I am going to talk about my learnings when it comes to the development of preschool children and the importance of learning it. Hope you enjoy it!.

Early Childhood is also referred as preschool years which is the continuation of toddlerhood. In their ages from 3 to 5 years old, these are the times when your child will be less selfish and will be also less dependable on you, where their vocabulary and pronunciation will continue to expand or grow. In these stages of their life, these are the times when they realize that the world is bigger than they expected, where they meet new friends and play with them, where they see that there are different kinds of people in their environment, there are the ones that are talented, different and also unique, and they will also start to realize that every person that that they meet have different personalities and behavior that might be different from their own.

Preschool children have different kinds of characteristics like for example is egocentric where they only think for themselves. They think pre-casual, they believe that illness is self-caused and punitive, they have limited sense of time and they have fear of bodily injury. Some of the strategies that we can use for our children when they reach these stage is that we can talk to them using warm, calm approach, build trust with one another and also we can give care with explanation. Some of the nursing inventions that we can use is that we can welcome them with active involvement, forge alliances, encourage physical closeness, provide detailed information, answer their questions and concerns and lastly, we can ask for their information.

So why do we need to study this topic?, the answer for that question is because of the fact that when we have our own children, sometimes it is hard understand the changes that are happening to them, and we sometimes don't know what is happening to them, the tendency is that we cannot build trust to one another. And this topic will definitely helps us as future parents so that we can better understand the changes and growth that are happening to our children so that we can be prepared to solve any challenges that may occur when our children are beginning to reach this stage.
