Middle and Late Childhood Development

Middle and Late childhood consist of ages from six to twelve. In these stage of their development. children development their bodies, their large and small muscles, their motor skills. Children in these stage also improve by from just doing independent activities, is that they are now participating with same sex group activities. 

Children in these stage will also experience that the world become one of the learning and it will test their academic skills, it will also assess their abilities and the accomplishes that they received by comparing their own self to others. The school of these children at this stage make comparisons between children through team sports, test scores, and other forms of recognition.  

So why do we need to study the middle and late childhood? it is because of the fact that our children will reach this stage and when they do, as their parent, they need our advice and support because this is the stage where our children will soon experience some challenges and will start to make tough decisions and we should be there on their side to support them and give them the right support to help them reach their goals at this stage. 
